ECC librarians provide reference and instruction in support of the curriculum and other information needs of the ECC community. Combining the resources of a traditional print reference collection, online reference tools, and thirteen databases, we offer one-on-one help with information needs as well as long-term research for both faculty and students. As your students' research advocates, we help them develop lifelong information literacy skills.
We assist with:
- topic choice and search strategies
- identifying and access books and articles, using the catalog and databases
- understanding the different attributes and purposes of scholarly and popular information
- making good website choices
- proper citations of materials
How? The library provides multiple venues for getting your questions answered!
- Stop by the library when we are open, there is always someone available at the circulation desk. You can also reach us by phone, email, or "Ask a Librarian". A librarian is available: Fall Hours Monday-Thursday 7:30am-8:00pm and Fridays 7:30am-1:00pm. Summer Hours Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:30pm and closed on Fridays.
- Make an appointment with us. We know our collection and resources and can make specific recommendations about research strategies and databases.