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ECC - Citation Libguide: Home

An indepth libguide for APA and MLA citations


This libguide will provide information for MLA (8th ed.)  and APA (7th ed.) citations, how to format your paper, in-text citations, and reference lists.

Information will be updated as new editions become available.

Fact Checking websites

Use the websites listed below to help double check your facts.

OWL at Purdue

This site provides detailed examples for how to format citations in both the MLA & APA for any type of materials, i.e. electronic books, articles from magazines, websites, and so forth.

Librarian - Tarboro

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Grizzelle Holderness

Defining Plagiarism

Understanding Plagiarism

Some Common Examples of plagiarism are: copying someone else's words without using quotation marks and citing (giving credit to) the source,

paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's words without citing the source,

quoting someone else's words inaccurately,

restating someone else's original or specialized ideas without citing the source,

misrepresenting someone else's words or ideas,

citing the wrong source, and
pretending someone else's work is your own.

Note: Text isn't the only thing that can be plagiarized. You also must credit the sources of images, graphics, charts, drawings, video, music, etc.